Esthetician School
The Lia Schorr Institute is one of New York's top rated esthetician schools. The institute's founder Lia Schorr, a innovator in the skin care industry has developed a school that is superior to other esthetician schools by providing esthetician training, nail technician courses, makeup artist training and stage makeup techniques.
We also offer esthetician equipment, supplies and esthetician products.
What separates the Lia Schorr esthetician school from other esthetician schools are the instructors. Every instructor
at our esthetician school is a license professional with years of experience in the beauty industry. Under their guidance
students receive the training they need to succeed in the exciting and lucrative field of cosmetics.
Thinking of enrolling in an esthetician school? The Lia Schorr Institute welcomes the public to visit our facilities
and learn about our unique options for Financial Aid for those who qualify.
Enroll in one of the following courses offered by our award winning esthetician school and get your career in esthetics started today.
For more information about our esthetician school, please contact us today.